The Safeguarding Hubs are a suite of tools to help a parish with safeguarding. Parishes in the Diocese of London are among the first in the country to be offered a Safeguarding Hub.  The Hubs are helping parishes with safer recruitment and people management.  Although are not a requirement, they are a very helpful set of tools .

You can watch a 3-minute video or download a brochure here.

If you are a parish safeguarding dashboards owner at level 2 or 3, your Safeguarding Hub is available to you.

There are two ways to become a Hub Owner:

  • You should find an invitation displayed on the homepage of your Safeguarding Dashboard
  • If another owner from your parish has already accepted an invitation, you will need to ask them to send you an invitation to be a Hub Owner too

Please don’t hesitate to contact Sara if you have any questions.