Example of traffic light systemSafeguarding has changed considerably in recent years.  New policies and procedures are making churches safer, but they have also significantly increased the amount of administration for church safeguarding officers.  This Safeguarding Dashboard has with two primary aims:

  • To make safeguarding simpler for parishes – and the feedback from incumbents and safeguarding officers who use the dashboards has been overwhelmingly positive.
  • To measure and report parish compliance – with parish data being automatically collected.

The dashboards are based on the requirements set out in the Parish Safeguarding Handbook and includes features that support the new Learning and Development Framework, and the new Safer Recruitment and People Management Guidance.

Note: Updates are being developed to bring them into line with the National Safeguarding Standards. You can read recent updates and developments here.

Example of safeguarding information

The safeguarding dashboard make administration and governance simpler for everyone and can be used on a mobile phone, tablet or computer.  They are actively used by by 39 diocese throughout the Church of England and are used by 85% of parishes in the Diocese of London.

It uses a simple traffic light system so that users can see the current status of safeguarding at a glance.  Green lights reassure your PCC that all is well, amber means that action is needed and red means it is urgent.

Each dashboard light also has an information page that explains clearly exactly what needs to be done and contains helpful advice and links to useful resources.

Please email Sara Black to request a link to access your parish safeguarding dashboard.

The aim is to provide you with everything you need in one place.

There is a video on this page that explains how it works.

Once you are working towards Level 3 of the dashboards, you will not be required to complete the annual Safeguarding Audit but will just be asked to complete the Confidential Data Sheet and the Safeguarding Policy Statement each year.

You can see a summary of the three parish safeguarding dashboard levels here.